Headline news

Puigpedros (2.914m)

Saturday 25 th October 2014 - 00:03

Dificultat: moderada
Temps: 4h
Desnivell Positiu: 789m
The excursion begins at the refuge of Malniu.
The refuge can be reached by car from Meranges.
The parking costs 3 € and if it is a sunny day, it is normal to find it full of people.
The refuge is rather small, but has bathrooms and showers.

The fact that the refuge can be reached by car, makes it full of people ... and not everyone respects the mountain as they should.

The path starts at the left of the refuge, going through small hills until you reach the peak of the mountain of Puigpedrós.
At the bottom of the path we find little water springs sprouting from everywhere that form streams that feed the lower lakes.
More about: pirineus , moderate , europe

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