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Summit and tour of the Moleson 2.002 m

Sunday 28 th September 2014 - 00:05

Dificultat: moderate
Temps: 5h
Desnivell Positiu: 1.100m
Desnivell Total: 2.200m
Elevació Màxima: 2.002m
Le MolesonThe mythical mountain that can be seen in the background of the photos of the castle of Gruyères is the Moleson. An important elevation of 2.002m in the middle of nowhere. The excursion begins at the parking loz of the ski station of the Moléson-Village. We took the path that went to the left of the cable-car station.

The first part of the path is rather tiring, with a strong vertical slope. In our case, we had to endure it alongside the strong heat emitted by the sun, and with a bunch of tourists that overtook us with their their little party shoes. After a 400 m climb, we are at the level of the superior cable car station. Here, most of the people have left us, probably to take the cable car until the summit. 

From this point on the path circles around the summit, without any sort of slope. What altogether makes this part of our excursion more pleasurable is the fact that we finally have some trees to cover us from the sun, and there is a little wind - and this allows us to finally take a breath.

Cim del MolesonOnce we are at the back side of the mountain, the path once more rises steeply towards the summit. During this part of our excursion, we encounter some goats as well as people, but this time the people are proper mountaineers.

Once at the col, we can sight the superior cable-car station and a bunch of tourists acting foolishly at the terraces. From here to the summit there is little to go. But the path seems to extend neverendlessly - we crossed a mother that could not manage her son to walk a single more step, people with party shoes and.. once we are at the summit, surprisingly there are benches, but they are all occupied... the summit is occupied by about 100 people.

We stop for lunch, and enjoy the views with impressive plains, pastures and meadows to the west, and magestic glaciers of the Alps to the east. Bored of seeing so many people, and seeing that there was another summit close by to the col, we decided to take a short trip towards it. 

The descent is very vertical, in fact, in the winter it is a black ski slope. Once having once more arrived at the cable-car station, we find the via ferrata trails - one that is 'easy' and another that is more difficult, and both meet at a secondary summit.

If you want to do it, remember to bring sun-cream, a hat, and disgraceful-tourist repellent.
More about: suissa , moderate

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