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Number of results 2 for vaud

30/04/2017 - La Farinetta - Saillon
via ferrata la Farinetta, Saillon, Valais, SwitzerlandLa via ferrata de la Farinetta a Saillon, prop de Martigny és una via espectacular, i si es vol fer tota, és de les més difícils que he fet fins ara. 

14/09/2014 - Rochers de Naye
Above Montreux, there are the Rochers de Naye. The initial idea was to go from the col de Jaman to the summit, but in the end we decided to take a shortcut by taking the train that leaves from Montreaxu. The route taken by the train has some very impressive views. The excursion is rather vertical - it climbs about 500 metres in about two hours of walking. The most annoying part is that at the beginning, you constantly climb and descend, only to be at the same level. Once you arrive at the canal, the path climbs towards the col with impressive viewes of the Leman lake.