Aquest cap de setmana que encara fa bon temps, hem aprofitat per anar a fer una via ferrada un tant especial, la via ferrada de Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Aquesta ferrada esta instal·lada en els penya-segats de Sant Feliu, a pocs metres de l'aigua. Es una sensació completament diferent, estar penjat d'una roca i veure als teus peus un kayak o un submarinista...

Just in front of Geneva, we have Le
Grand Salève. The mountain is not very tall, but it does have a very vertical facade. In the superior part of this facade, there is an aerial passage that almost goes through the rock - it is the
Corraterie. From the Corraterie we can see the
Trou de la Tine, an impressive rocky formation, which seems, from far, an immensive cave, a hole in the wall but when you are inside you see there is no ceiling. Following the path a little more, we cross the
Grotte d’Orjobet, a cave that is adapted with stairs that allow you to climb from 'Le Coin' until the Corraterie. The excursion is very aerial, with impressive views of the Montblanc, the region of Geneva and the Jura.
It wouldn't cross your mind, that from the centre of Montreux, and passing beneath the bridges of the highway, there are gorgues like the 'Gorges du Chauderon'. It is an easy walk, but with strong vertical slope. The path is very walkable, it is full of stairs to help us with the ascencion. The change of vegetation changes a lot from the bottom part that reaches Montreux where it seems more like a tropical forest, and the top part is more typically swiss.

If you feel like taking a walk after lunch at Saint-Cergue.. there is a walk you can take, called 'le sentier Ballade à Béatrix'. It is welll indicated, with 16 points of information. It starts with a little steeply, but the forest is very pleasant, the views from the old castle are impressive, the invisible ruins, and it goes through a series of rocky formations with interesting caves.

A simple route, strongly recommended, with very little uphill.
It starts very calmly near the 'Lac de Joux'. There are quite a few people, but these tend to be people that respect and love nature. At around the middle of the lake, you must climb a little to arrive to 'Le Lieux', where we continue touring the lake but this time at a higher altitude. In this route we have been fortunate enough to sight two deer or 'chamois' and they haven't shown themselves to be shy.