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Number of results 4 for hikking

23/04/2017 - Els tres Montronds
Montrond, FranceAvui tenia ganes d'estirar una mica les cames, ... ja feia temps que volia fer els 3 Montronds, i aixi completar la carena que vaig començar quan vaig fer el Reculet

13/07/2016 - El Canigó
Cim del CanigóAquest estiu aprofitant que estàvem per la Cerdanya per dur la Núria de campaments, la Judit, la Gemma i jo, vàrem aprofitar per pasar uns dies a Vilafranca de Conflent, i una de les excursions que toca fer quan estem per la contrada, es el Canigó. És una muntanya mítica, i això vol dir que hi ha molta gent, i en el meu cas, vol dir que com sempre que l'he fet, l'he fet amb boira.

16/05/2016 - Le Reculet, Crête de Neiges, Grand Crête
Geneve seen from the Everyday, while driving from back from the school, I can’t avoid looking at the magnificent Jura mountains that surrounds Geneva. For a while I wanted to go to the top of those cliffs. The day is a bit sunny with cloud patches, the snow is almost over in the Jura and the family is busy studding … all perfect excuses to plan a solo hike to the mountains.

23/01/2016 - Grand Canyon
In January 2016, it happened that I had a meeting in Los Angeles, and due a complex agenda the meeting was planned for a Friday and a Monday. What can you do alone a weekend in Los Angeles? Easy, take a plane, flight to Las Vegas, rent a card, drive 400km to arrive at 2:00 AM at the Grand Canyon south rim.