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Tuesday 11 th August 2015
Miroire d'Argentine is an impressive group of mountains located in Bex municipality, in Canton Vaud, Switzerland. The formation majestically rises above Solalex pastures. 

Monday 13 th July 2015
Cim del PuigmalAquest estiu hem fet una petita estada a la Vall de Núria, ens hem refrescat als rius, hem muntat a cavall, hem descansat, i també hem fet el cim del Puigmal (2.910m) des de el Santuari de Núria. Per començar vàrem fer una petita parada per dinar al costat del Freser, però no a ribes, sinó que a la part alta del riu, a Queralbs. Després de dinar, agafem el cremallera i cap a Núria. L'endemà ens llevem d'hora per sortir d'hora a fer el cim, no volem que el sol ens no ens deixi arribar... de baixada, una refrescada al riu, activitats, sopar, dormir i qui vulgui dormir en tenda, i l'endemà a fer una passejada en cavall, baixar amb el cremallera, i per acabar aquestes mini-vacances en refrescant se al salt del grill.

Saturday 25 th October 2014
This weekend, we hiked the Puigpedros with the people from Gels.

Sunday 28 th September 2014
Vistes desde el MolesonThe mythical mountain that can be seen in the background of the photos of the castle of Gruyères is the Moleson. An important elevation of 2.002m in the middle of nowhere. The excursion begins at the parking of the ski station of the Moléson-Village. From the summit, there are impressive views of plains, pastures and meadows to the west, and magestic glaciers of the Alps to the east. Bored of seeing so many people, and seeing that there was another summit close by to the col, we decided to take a short trip towards it. 

Thursday 16 th April 1992
Cim del Toubkal (4.165m) Atlas.During the easter break of 1992, Albert, Anna, Angel, Budri, Ermelinda, Jaume, and I undertook one of the most exciting adventures - climbing to the summit of the Toubkal (4165 metres) in the Atlas mountains, in africa. It would be 10 very intense days, 4000 kilometres in a classic Landrover cazorla. We slept in a stone quarry, at the home of the porters of Imil, on the snow and the parking lot of the ferry of Ceuta. We were in the middle of a protest demanding the dimission of the government delegate, and we had to sleep with the propane gas bottles in our sleeping bag to cook breakfast...

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